We provide essential consultancy to clients: to map their security needs, guide them towards the right solutions and assist with their implementation.

Our clients ask us to help them develop systems and processes to protect them against a wide range of sophisticated adversaries. We work with clients to build threat intelligence and risk models that identify areas of vulnerability, and to design and implement protective measures.

Our security experts have acted on behalf of a diverse client base on matters that include security planning, site portfolio reviews, security surveys and penetration tests, training and intelligence programme development, expert testimony and post-incident investigation. In each case we adopt a threat intelligence-led approach, leveraging the global reach of our source network and local security resources to deliver the best outcome for our client.

Key features of our security consultancy service include:

  • Security consultancy and planning
  • Security management
  • Threat intelligence
  • Threat assessment
  • Risk analysis
  • Crisis management planning and support
  • Security training
  • Expert testimony and advice.